Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile (ENAC), the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, on 11 February 2003 entrusted ADF SpA with the task of managing the “A. Vespucci” Florence airport by signing a specific Convention to define the obligations involved in the management and development of airport activities, including those concerning the design, construction, improvement, maintenance and utilization of the systems and infrastructure required for the exercise of said operations.

A merger by incorporation between of AdF - Aeroporto di Firenze S.p.A. into SAT – Società Aeroporto Toscano S.p.A. was signed on 11 May 2015, effective from 1 June 2015, with the simultaneous change of the company name of the latter into Toscana Aeroporti S.p.A. So, since 1 June 2015, Toscana Aeroporti S.p.A. replaced the previous entity in all the deeds and relationships involved in the Convention described.

On 21 October 2003, ENAC issued Regulations for the Construction and Operation of the Airports (“Regolamento per la Costruzione ed Esercizio degli Aeroporti”). By identifying the Operator (“Ente Gestore”) as the owner of the operating-functional correlation of the different institutional entities operating in the Airport, the Regulations lay down the requirements for the construction and operation of the airports opened for commercial air traffic and require an audit of the airport’s compliance with said requirements by ENAC, as well as its certification by the same Operator (by issuing a specific Airport Certificate).

The Florence airport was certified by ENAC on 30 November 2004 after the necessary audits conducted to ensure compliance with the safety requirements laid down in the Regulations for the Construction and Operation of the Airports, which introduced the technical contents of ICAO Annexes (particularly of Annex 14 Volume 1 Aerodromes) concerning both the physical characteristics of the airport (infrastructures, systems, installations, adjacent areas) and the business and operating organization of the Operator (intended as a set of tools, personnel and procedures).

Pursuant to Reg. (CE) 216/2008 and related I.R.,  established by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Florence airport certificate has been converted in compliance with Reg. (UE) 139/2014 on the 21st December 2017.

In line with the guidelines set forth in the Reg. (UE) 139/2014, the Florence airport adopted a Safety Management System for all the activities carried out in the airport. This Safety Management System (SMS) is an appropriate tool to ensure that airport operations are carried out in the appropriate and pre-established safety conditions. The main areas controlled by the SMS are:

Communication, Information and Training
Risk Management
Operating Control
Management of Incidents and Analysis
Management of Emergencies
Inspections and Audits
Measurement of performances.


One of the key elements of the SMS is the Reporting System, which is implemented to concretely monitor safety standards by recording all the aviation and non-aviation events occurred during airport operation in a special database created and managed by the Safety Manager.

Each abnormal event contains in itself data that, once appropriately revealed and investigated, may lay the basis to take the most appropriate corrective actions to avoid a possible future repetition of the event.

Each entity operating in the airport must cooperate and play its role within the safety programs of the airport by promptly reporting, in any case within 72 hours, any event that may impact or that impacted the safety of airport operations by using the Safety Report Form provided below.

The form can be downloaded in Excel (.xls), filled and submitted to the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

There is also the possibility for each airport attendant to send voluntary reports for events related to safety but not included among those for which the compilation of the GSR is required.It is also possible to send anonymous reports to the Safety Office using the appropriate green mailboxes located in the terminal.

Any request can be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download Ground Safety Report:

Excel Reporting Form (244 Kb)

This Report is filed for merely statistical purposes and to analyse the causes of events with the purpose of preventing their repetition. Any personal information entered in this form will be processed in compliance with the Privacy Regulation(Reg.UE 2016/679).