In compliance with current legislation regarding "Whistleblowing" reports, Toscana Aeroporti has activated a dedicated internal reporting channel that allows the company to receive - from its employees, shareholders, third parties (e.g. suppliers, customers)as well as by persons who are (even temporarily) working with TA (trainees, freelancers, consultants) - reports of violations of national law (e.i. criminal offences, civil and administrative or accounting; crimes assumed ex D. Lgs. 231/01 or violation of Model 231/01) and the law of the European Union, that compromise the integrity of the company and of which they have become aware in the working context with TA.

The channel adopted by TA ensures the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity, the person involved, or anyone mentioned in the report, as well as the content of the report and any attached documentation.

The whistleblower may choose to make the report anonymously, either in written or oral form, by selecting the appropriate method and following the provided instructions.

The internal reporting channel should be considered the preferred channel and should be used primarily by the whistleblower.

The legislator has recognized the possibility of making a report through the use of additional tools (such as accessing the external channel managed by ANAC, public disclosures, and reporting to judicial and accounting authorities) only under specific conditions expressly provided by Legislative Decree 24/23 (Articles 6 and 15).

Legislative Decree 24/23 provides safeguards for whistleblowers who have faced retaliatory measures as a result of their report. Specifically, alleged retaliations can be reported to ANAC for investigation.

The whistleblower can use the dedicated Whistleblowing Integrity Line online platform.

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